Our Network

We are part of an international network of like-minded teams who are all committed to “freedom through football”. That slogan attempts to capture what we, and the other teams, share philosophically, because in many other ways we’re quite different. We don’t believe in political cloning, but we do believe in sharing alternative ideas about anti-oppressive culture and action.

Many of the other strands of this network are mentioned in our links section. There are some really stimulating and exciting activists which are well worth a scan. They’re all special, but the Easton Cowboys from Bristol, England, show more leadership and initiative than most. We owe a lot to them for inspiration.

Some of the wonderful activities we are involved in with our friends are:

Democratic organisation and planning

Ethical football

Ethical consumption

International football carnivals and tournaments

Football which is inclusive of different genders

Support for anti-racist work

Specific support and links with the Zapitista communities in Mexico.

Our club constitution embraces much of the ideals which underpin “Freedom through Football”. And, although we’re not Stalinist (far from it!), we do insist that all of our members sign up to our philosophy.