The Alternative World Cup

Our Network

Republica is part of a loose network of alternative grassroots football teams across Europe and beyond. The network has gradually evolved over the last two decades. The teams involved are united by anti-fascist, anti-racist ideals, and - of course - a love of football, a desire to play it differently and make it inclusive for everyone, free from all forms of discrimination.

Each year, a different club hosts the network’s annual get together - the Alternative World Cup. An event which generally features football and beer in equal copious measures, dancing, dodgy outfits, singing, chanting, chaos and general revelry. There is generally a mixed 11-a-side tournament and a 7-a-side tournament for predominantly women, non-binary and trans folk.

Republica are dependable attendees and in the last ten years have travelled to Portland, Antwerp, Dunsbach, Hannover, Thorncombe and XXX. Whilst we might not always come away with top prize, we always have the most fun!

Republica last hosted the tournament in 2010, when they put on ‘Republica’s Flying Circus’ at a spot near York. Watch this space for the next edition…