About the club

Republica Internationale FC is a community football club based in north Leeds. The Club includes three competitive teams, including two 11-aside teams competing in men’s Sunday league and an 11-aside team in the West Riding Women’s Sunday league. See the ‘Our teams’ section for more info. We also organise casual weekly mixed 7-aside games, and run sessions for women and non-binary people who are new to the sport. We believe in the power of football to bring people together, and that the many joys of football should be open and inclusive for all to enjoy, free from all forms of discrimination. We strive to create opportunities for all of our members to be able to enjoy playing football, and are always open to suggestions of additional options we could consider.

Republica is about more than just football. We organise regular social events and activities throughout the year and attend tournaments in our local area and further afield. Republica are members of international networks who organise tournaments where we get to meet, play and party with members of like-minded clubs from various parts of the world.

The club is run for and by its members, and the club committee is elected annually. We encourage and expect all members to get involved off the pitch by attending meetings, helping to organise and run club events, or taking on a specific role in the club. Every player and member has a voice and a vote in the wider club, and if you have an idea or opinion, then we want to hear it!

Although have several teams, we are one club. Anyone who shares our values is welcome to sign-on as a club member, and all members are welcome to all club events. Please get in touch to find out more!

Forza Republica!